Crash Course in Islam — Friday

Audio transcript:
>>STEVE ST. GEORGE: For Muslims Friday is the day of prayer. It is the one day a week Muslims are expected to pray in the mosque. But because Friday is a workday, this can sometimes complicate things for Muslims in the work force. Of course that's only outside Muslim countries. Typically Friday as the day off. There is no prohibition against Muslims working on Friday. It's not set aside as a day of rest. But many feel that once the call of prayer is given, they cannot work. A verse from the Quran even states that after the call a Muslim must leave off business. The prayer service takes place just after noon. In some workplaces, Muslims will go into the office early to get the day's work done before leaving for prayer. Others will work longer hours through the rest of the week to make up for the hours they might miss on Friday. While still others will return to the office after the service is over. In the United States employers are required to provide reasonable accommodation to people to practice their faith as long as it doesn't create an undue hardship on the employer. It usually just takes a sit down with the boss. For Crash Course in Islam, I'm Steve St. George.