Crash Course in Islam — Greeting

Audio transcript:
>>STEVE ST. GEORGE: Hello. I'm Steve St. George. And this is your crash course in Islam. If you've ever heard Muslims greet each other you've probably heard the standard Muslim greeting. One person says Salaam Aleikum, roughly translated to peace be upon you. And the other person responds with wa aleikum ah salaam which means and peace be upon you also. Greeting comes from the Quran and is meant to help promote a sense of brotherhood among Muslims and to reflect the peace that should exist between Muslims from all walks of life. Whether or not these greetings can be used with non-Muslims is up for debate. There are some scholars who say a Muslim should never use them with non-Muslims. While others say the greetings may be used in times of great need or when non-Muslims use them first. For Crash Course in Islam, I'm Steve St. George.
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