Crash Course in Islam — Quran

Audio transcript:
>>STEVE ST. GEORGE: Hello. I'm Steve St. George. And this is your crash course in Islam. Today we discuss the Quran. Any book that's believed to hold religious truths is often considered sacred. The Bible and the Jewish Torah are both thought to be inspired by God. For Jews after a copy of a Torah is blessed, it is a great send the harm it in any way. Also many Christians treat the Bible with special care. Similarly the Quran is held in very high regard. Though the Quran's teachings have been written down in book form. Muslims consider God to be the true author. It's believed to be a word for word transcription of Allah's message to mankind. The bound book called The Musof is considered just a vessel in which the Sounds reside. The Quran itself is those sacred sounds. In fact for many years it was passed down as an oral text. Mohammed recited it. And devoted Muslims carefully memorized it. To this day there are still Muslims who memorized the entire Quran. For many the only way to truly learn the Quran teachings is to listen to recitations of it by those who have memorized the text. For Crash Course in Islam, I'm Steve St. George.
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