Crash Course in Islam — Will of Allah

Audio transcript:
>>STEVE ST. GEORGE: Hello I'm Steve St. George. And this is your crash course in Islam. Today, the will of Allah. Islam like some branches of Christianity adheres to the idea of predestination. For Muslims, Allah knows and sees everything. He knows the outcomes good or bad. Nothing happens in this world that Allah does not know, that Allah has not permitted. Even things considered evil or not outside our laws realm. It is thought the evils that happen now will eventually result in human good man cannot understand. But although God knows all, that does not mean there is no free will in Islam. Muslims believe Allah has written down all things in the preserved tablet, all that happens or will happen is in there. And it's there now because God exists outside time. So Allah knows what choices men and women will make does not stop them from making them. Quite often when Muslims refer to the future they preface what they say with the phrase in sha Allah or God willing. It's an acknowledgement that humans do not know what's coming. They can only hope for certain outcomes. But in the end it all rests in God's hands. For Crash Course in Islam, I'm Steve St. George.
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